
What is this blog about?

This is a lay academic blog exploring theology, history, politics and their intersection.

  • Critical Scholarship examines Christianity from a historical-critical perspective. Topics range from Ancient Near Eastern archaeology to early church history.
  • Faith primarily explores a ‘history of ideas’ tracing Christianity’s unconscious influence on modern sociopolitical norms and institutions.
  • Political History examines the history of politics from a (and not ‘the‘) Christian lens. Topics are broad, with specific interest in the intersection between Chinese culture and Christian faith.
  • Personal Reflections are brief windows into my evolving faith journey and personal experiences.
  • Resources provides links to scholarly resources. Two sections: Critical Scholarship and Faith.

Is there a principle thrust to this blog?

The current principle research thrust traces the Christian basis of social, cultural and political ‘norms’ we take for granted. From secularism to romantic love, I trace a history of ideas behind this seemingly irreligious practices and institutions, and uncover their Christian roots.

Previously, my research interest was in biblical scholarship. More practically, I explore how ‘generous orthodoxy’ can be practiced in church.

On the sides, I am just very slightly bothered by the tensions between my faith and Chinese culture. I try my hardest to see the best in both.

Short Bio

I am a composer and teacher. I nerd on the above topics as a hobby and as a form of therapy. I guess I am a ‘banana’ (culturally Western, ethnically Chinese), and proud of it.

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